Find delegates with similar interests and share knowledge during the ITFA networking session!
- Thursday 12th October 15:10-17:50
Get started
You access the portal through the link under “My information” in the conference APP

On your first visit you must do a few things so that others can find you and book meetings. Visit the dashboard and…
- Update your profile (Profile & Settings->Edit proflie) with as much detailed information as possible
- Mark your availability during the networking sessions (Profile & Settings->Mark availability). You can only be invited to a session slot that you have marked as available. The slot automatically becomes unavailable if you get a confirmed meeting.
The dashboard
From the dashboard you can keep track of all your pending and confirmed meetings. Click on any name on the dashboard to view their presentation. Here is also the place where you invite others to meetings and confirm your invitations.
Invite to a meeting
- Click “New meeting” at a slot
- Browse and search for delegates
- Click “View” to read a delegates presentation and invite to the meeting
- Invite more delegates to the meeting by clicking “Add person” next to the meeting on the dashboard
You can initiate and get invited to multiple meetings per slot but you can only confirm one. When you have a confirmed meeting for a slot you will not be able to initiate a meeting or get new invitations to that slot.
Receive invitations
Your received invitation and their status shows up on your dashboard. You will also receive an email to notify you of new invitations.
- Click the “Accept/decline” button on the meeting you want to accept or decline
- Accept or decline the meeting
- Invite other delegates to a meeting you have been invited to
Cancel meetings
To cancel a confirmed meeting from the dashboard.
- Click the “Cancel” button on the meeting you want to cancel
- Click “Click to cancel meeting”
- Write a note to the participants and explain why the meeting is cancelled
If you are the initiator of the meeting you are cancelling, all participants will get notified and the meeting deleted; if you are an invited participant, everyone in the meeting is notified that you have cancelled.
If you need to contact an invited delegate, their email address is displayed in their profile; click on any name on the dashboard
For technical support, contact:
If you have any questions about your registration or the conference, contact ATS Event Solutions: